The Sausage Factory is an interview-based podcast that lifts the lid on the makers of video games.It is often said by video game developers that the act of making games is not as nearly as interesting as actually playing them. So much so that many even liken it to a sausage factory in that while sausages are great, the act of making them is something no one should ever bear witness to.
The Sausage Factory podcast aims to disprove this view by bringing the video game audience to the creators of the titles they love to play by interviewing developers. Split into two halves, the first delves into what makes the developers tick by asking about how they started, what and who inspires them and what games they are currently playing. The second half covers what game they are currently working on and the thought processes behind its development. So, if you really want to hear about a game in full undiluted detail then you have found the right podcast.
Let Them Come by Tuatara Games
Shadowhand by Grey Alien Games
League of War VR Arena by Munkyfun
Shooty Fruity by Near Light
Ersatz by Paris Stalker
Mantis Burn Racing by VooFoo Studios
Deadbeat Heroes by Deadbeat Productions
Morphite by Crescent Moon Games
Visual Compendiums by Bitmap Books
Hypernova Escape from Hadea by Actalogic