Browse Games


481 titles found in the genre 'Adventure', on PS3 or PS3
Title Released Genre Platforms
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel

2011 Adventure: Role Playing
PS3 Blu-Ray
PlayStation Move Heroes

2011 Platform
Beat 'Em Up: Hack and Slash
PS3 Blu-Ray
The Tomb Raider Trilogy

2011 Compilation
PS3 Blu-Ray
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: The Da Vinci Edition

2011 Adventure: Free Roaming
PS3 Blu-Ray
Yakuza 4

Also known as [Yakuza 4]

2011 PS3 Blu-Ray
Hyperdimension Neptunia

2011 Adventure: Role Playing
PS3 Blu-Ray
de Blob 2: The Underground

Also known as [de Blob 2: The Underground]

2011-2018 PS3 Blu-Ray
Rango The Video Game

2011 Adventure
PS3 Blu-Ray
Two Worlds II

2011 Adventure: Role Playing
PS3 Blu-Ray

Also known as [Catherine, Catherine: Stray Sheep Edition]

2011-2012 PS3 Blu-Ray
Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll

2011 Beat 'Em Up: Hack and Slash
Adventure: Role Playing
PS3 Blu-Ray
Dead Space 2

Also known as Dead Space 2: Limited Edition, Dead Space II

2011 Adventure: Survival Horror
PS3 Blu-Ray
DC Universe Online

2011 Adventure: Role Playing
PS3 Blu-Ray
The Sly Collection

Also known as The Sly Trilogy

2010-2014 Adventure
PS3 Blu-Ray
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

Also known as Majin: The Fallen Realm

2010 Adventure