Browse Games


55 titles found in the genre 'Simulation', on Amstrad CPC
Title Released Genre Platforms
Night Gunner

-1983 Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Ace of Aces

-1991 Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Operation Hormuz

Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Flight Path 737

Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
PHM Pegasus

-1987 Simulation: Helicopter
Amstrad CPC
F-16 Combat Pilot

-1991 Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Interdictor Pilot

Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Fighter Pilot

-1983 Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Cobra Pinball

Simulation: Pinball
Amstrad CPC
Pinball Magic

Simulation: Pinball
Amstrad CPC
Pinball Power

-1989 Simulation: Pinball
Amstrad CPC
Mission En Rafale

Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Night Raider

-1988 Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Rescue on Fractalus

-1987 Space
Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC
Koronis Rift

-1986 Simulation: Flight
Amstrad CPC