Airport: London-Heathrow - PC

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Airport: London-Heathrow (PC)
Requires: Mouse, Keyboard
Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Simulation: Flight
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Sim-Wings Soft. Co.: Sim-Wings
Publishers: Aerosoft (GB)
Released: 8 May 2015 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI No rating


Never before have there been so many objects on an X-Plane airport to discover as with Britain’s major airport, London Heathrow. The scenery includes all five terminals and animated apron traffic. The award-winning team sim-wings convinces with a model of perfection for such a Mega Hub!

Find out what commercial aviation is all about by joining the traffic of the world´s third busiest airport. The scenery covers around 42 square kilometers in total with fully detailed buildings at the airport, including the new T2 and T2B terminals. Fully customized high resolution aerial ground textures, detailed ground markings and the actual taxiway layout with new rapid runway exits and taxiway links make it a perfect rendition while use of LOD technique will give you the best possible performance.


- Airport London Heathrow with near airport surrounding (about 42 square kilometers in total)
- Fully detailed buildings at the airport
- Safegate and other dockings at all gates (only with AutoGate)
- Includes new T2 and T2B terminals
- Pre-rendered self shadowing and raytraced night lighting
- Fully customized high resolution aerial ground textures (about 30cm/pix) with custom detail textures for taxiways etc.
- Detailed ground markings
- Actual taxiway layout with new rapid runway exits and taxiway links
- Hand placed autogen
- Seamless integration of the ground to the Flight Simulator
- Animated Apron Traffic