Who does not dream of luxury and wealth? In “Deluxe Hotel Imperium” this dream is within one’s reach. Start as a small hotelier with a bed and breakfast and rise to an international economy magnate with deluxe hotels all across Europe. The road to an own emporium is stony and many obstacles occur. Schedule wisely, manage with great skill and keep the hotels profitable. Only the right strategy leads to the top of an international successful hotel chain.
Before the player can dream of luxury and wealth, he starts with a badly suited small hotel in one of Europe’s metropolises. First, a cheap property must be bought to build the first hotel. The player can choose properties in three different sizes to place one of nine different hotels onto the ground. Once the quality of services fits to the needs of the customers, the hotel will be profitable in no time and the first expansion can be done. With this approach, the player is able to transform a bunch of small hotels into a hotel chain. But be careful, who expands to fast will go bankrupt in no time.
As soon as the first hotels are profitable the international market is waiting. Twelve Metropolises in whole Europe are waiting for the player. The player can buy properties, build hotels and expand his emporium in every single metropolis like Berlin, Paris or Monaco.