Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11 - PS3

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Also for: Wii, Xbox 360
Viewed: 3D Third-person, over the shoulder Genre:
Sport: Golf
Media: Blu-Ray Arcade origin:No
Developer: EA Tiburon Soft. Co.: Electronic Arts
Publishers: Electronic Arts (GB)
Released: 2 Jul 2010 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
Accessories: PlayStation Move, PlayStation Eye
Connectivity: Network Features, Network Players


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We would say that Tiger Woods returns for another serene round of golf, but the competition is anything but mild-mannered. Everyone wants to bring home the desired Ryder Cup back to their trophy cabinet, and with the tournament founded in prestige rather than prize money winning is also a matter of pride.

The Ryder Cup is a contest hosted by both Ryder Cup Europe LLP and the PGA of America, making this game a direct reflection of the international rivalry that will heat up. While Tiger Woods makes the play for the Americans, Northern Ireland star Rory McIlroy is leading the charge for the European side.

And as you would expect, the competition is fierce. Select a side and participate in various gameplay formats – from foursomes, where players hit alternate shots, leading into fourball matches and finishing off with the one-on-one singles games where international stars are made or broken. Team play and single play is available for those who want to enjoy virtual golf alone or with friends.

If you have no real-life golfing friends, then the online modes will certainly brighten up your day. Build a team over the console's network connection and compete head-to-head with other teams. Up to 24 players can engage in online tournament play, and using headsets and microphones you can even discuss golfing strategy with your teammates.