Dora Saves the Snow Princess - DS/DSi

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Dora Saves the Snow Princess (DS/DSi)
Also for: Wii, PS2
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Black Lantern Studios Soft. Co.: 2K Play
Publishers: 2K Play (GB)
Released: 5 Dec 2008 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
No Accessories: No accessories


Dora and Boots were reading a story about the Snowy Forest. In the story, the Snow Princess was trapped in a tower by a mean old witch who had also started to melt the snow in the forest. Suddenly, the Princess's friend the Snow Fairy flew straight out of the book, looking for help!

Dora and Boots need your help to jump into the storybook, travel through the Snowy Forest with the Snow Fairy and overcome obstacles and challenges so that they can save the Snow Princess.

Dora and Boots, along with help from Swiper and Piggy, will need to build a snowman, paddle a canoe, pilot a dogsled and ride Pegasus the flying horse in this wintry adventure that'll warm the hearts of young girl adventurers everywhere.


Dora Saves the Snow Princess - DS/DSi Artwork