Matchbox Missions 2 Game Pack - GBA

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Matchbox Missions 2 Game Pack (GBA)
Viewed: 2D Isometric, Scrolling Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Zoo Digital Soft. Co.: Zoo Digital
Publishers: Zoo Digital (GB)
Released: 22 Sept 2006 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
No Accessories: No Accessories


There is no doubt that Matchbox is a household name, but it is originally known for its model cars, not its video games. The first video game the company put their illustrious name to was Matchbox CAT Construction Zone for the PC in 1999. Since then, there has been a steady number of Matchbox titles released on several platforms. Published by Zoo Digital, Matchbox Missions is a compilation for the GBA based around the world of the emergency services. The two games included are 'Emergency Response' and 'Air, Land and Sea Rescue'.

In Emergency Response, gamers choose from two very different roles to play. You must take the role of either the police or the suspect in a dangerous high speed pursuit. The game allows players to race over four different terrains with both varied and memorable backdrops.

Air, Land and Sea Rescue lets players try and save the day as a firefighter, a paramedic or a member of the marine police patrol. Gamers must travel through interactive environments, searching for emergencies and completing missions. The completion of emergency tasks rewards the player with hero awards.

Matchbox Missions for the GBA is certainly not aimed at the 20+ demographic, unless you're a Matchbox fanatic. The game is definitely one for the kids, and an eminently suitable one at that.