World Championship Snooker 2004 - PS2

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World Championship Snooker 2004 (PS2)
Also for: PC, Xbox
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Sport: Snooker
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Blade Soft. Co.: Blade
Publishers: Codemasters (GB)
Released: 25 Jun 2004 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
Accessories: Memory Card
Features: Vibration Function Compatible
Connectivity: Network Adaptor (Ethernet) compatible


The snooker game, something of a niche genre amidst the racing and beat-em-up masses, has been around since the early days of gaming and has had continual support from numerous developers. But in recent years, the most prolific developer is seen to be UK-based Codemasters. The company's World Championship Snooker games have been massively popular with fans of the sport, and the series continues to evolve with World Championship Snooker 2004 on PS2.

Like those to go before it, WCS 2004 gives players the opportunity to compete in every tournament of the 03/04 season. These comprise of the LG Cup, British Open, UK Championships, European Open, Welsh Open, Irish Masters, The Masters and of course the World Championships. Familiar snooker arenas, including Sheffield's Crucible Theatre, have also been included, rendered complete with detailed snooker tables and audiences.

Players have also been given a face-lift. Characters now accurately represent their real life counterparts and they also move and take shots in a more realistic fashion. As ever, ball physics remain convincing, helping to immerse players in a believable game, and there's even an updated trickshot mode for the more casual gamer. The PS2 version also has a controller advantage over its competitors, helping to make the feel of taking a shot more fluid.

But it's the multi-player game that is most fun, and with the addition of online support, WCS 2004 can last as long as you want it to. Longevity is a difficult thing to achieve with games like this. They're typically known to be good only for a quick thrash, but this offering is far more involved and addictive.

It's easy to see why Codemasters has little competition - WCS 2004 is undoubtedly the best there is.