Mortal Kombat: Special Forces - PlayStation

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Viewed: 3D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Beat 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Midway Soft. Co.: Midway
Publishers: Midway (GB)
Released: 29 Sept 2000 (GB)
Ratings: 15+
Features: Vibration Compatible
Accessories: Analogue JoyPad, Memory Card


The Mortal Kombat series has come along way since the release of the original in 1992. The success was enormous, leading to many sequels, released across a number of platforms. Eight years on, Midway are making a one-off variation of the series that doesn’t comprise purely of beat-em-up tactics. This game is Mortal Kombat: Special Forces, new for PlayStation.

You play Jax, a steel-armed character, who first made his appearance in Mortal Kombat 2. On this occasion, the bad guy is metal-faced Kano, also from the second instalment of the series. This time, you must explore huge 3D environments, tackle a number of puzzles, and defeat numerous bad guys if you are to get to your nemesis, Kano. Levels begin quite simple, but soon become complex and confusing mazes, forcing you to retrace your steps over and over. Frustrating as this is, it can be equally rewarding to complete such a difficult task. But this is Mortal Kombat, after all, and it wouldn’t be the game it is without a little fighting. You must use your fighting skills to defeat boss after boss, learning new combos along the way. The difference being that, you wont always be fighting against one fighter at a time. There are moments throughout the game where there maybe three or four guys tackling you simultaneously.

So, is it a beat-em-up? This is a debatable question. Metal Gear Solid may spring to mind when playing this, so I will let you draw your own conclusions.