NBA Live 2001 - PS2

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NBA Live 2001 (PS2)
Also for: PC, PlayStation
Viewed: 3D Combination Genre:
Sport: Basketball
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Electronic Arts Soft. Co.: Electronic Arts
Publishers: Electronic Arts (GB/US/JP)
Released: 23 Feb 2001 (GB)
Nov 2000 (US)
Unknown (JP)
Ratings: 3+
Features: Multitap adaptable
Accessories: Memory Card, Dual Shock Joypad


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NBA Live on the PlayStation 2 is ‘Fan’-Tastic. If you are fan of Basketball and the proud owner of a PS2, Electronics Arts have brought their famous Basketball series to Sony’s 128-bit console. It’s time to get your friends around (at least seven of them!) and get ready to have some serious b-ball fun.

Because NBA Live is on the PlayStation 2 it looks amazing. The gaming environment is solid and even the crowd looks realistic, not the usual cardboard cut-out affair of most 3D sports titles. The players are made up of a high number of polygons and are smoothly animated. The court is so shiny, it reflects on the on court action. Slam dunks are equally impressive as the camera zooms in for a close up view of the action. The sound effects and music equals the visuals and the commentary is superb.

Electronic Arts are well respected for their sports titles and NBA Live 2001 is a fine example of the refinement the NBA series has undergone. The control method is well implemented and once you commit the controls to memory playing the game becomes second nature. Because Basketball is a fast sport, it translates extremely well into the video game realm. You will play this game for hours and it will only seem like seconds, some sort of time dilation effect occurs: a telltale sign of a good game.

With top-notch presentation, graphics, commentary, gameplay and 8-player support, EA have an another winner on their hands with NBA Live 2001.