This is another TV based game for the colecovision. It features characters from the early cartoon "The Smurfs". The plot for this game is that your lady has been taken away from you and locked up in a castle. To reach her you must jump over many obstacles from a dangerous and spiky picket fence to a deadly lump of grass, so terrifying it send a chill up your bones.
This all sounds easy; and to be quite true it is. Until you reach the last frame, that’s when it gets difficult. There are two more obstacles in your way. A skull and a red block; with your damsel neatly placed at the top of them. These two obstacles are both higher than your little Smurf can jump. Here is were most people would give in. Although the answer is simple. Instead of pressing up on the control pad to jump; you tap it twice to acquire twice as much lift. Now you can reach the top and save your woman. Aw yeah!!