Trion World Network was formed in early 2006 by Dr. Lars Buttler and Jon Van Caneghem with the mission to define games and entertainment for the connected era by leveraging the power of globally pervasive broadband to reach worldwide audiences. Lars was Vice President for Global Online at Electronic Arts (EA), where he led EA’s strategy for online games and services. Jon was Founder and CEO of New World Computing and creator of the best-selling Might and Magic and Heroes franchises. Together with Robert “Jay” Lee, Lead Architect for NCSoft North America and 20 year veteran of large-scale system design and online game development, Trion has assembled a world-class team at its offices in Redwood Shores, San Diego, and Austin to bring this vision to life.
Trion Worlds's first work that SPOnG is aware of is the 2011 title, "Rift" (PC).
The company has been involved titles released on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Of these, "Rift" (PC) and "Defiance" (Xbox 360) have been best selling titles.
The company's most recent involvement was on the 2013 release "ArcheAge" (PC).
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30 Apr 2013
01 Feb 2012