Final Fantasy VII Remake for DS? Full Report

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Topic started: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 11:44
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Joined 17 May 2005
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 22:17
Adam M wrote:
majin dboy wrote:
i really dont c the big deal about this game. i bought it of amazon about 9 months was good not great,but saying that i didnt complete it so maybe im wrong.the reason i never completed it was because it never really grabbed me like such RPG's as Tales of Smyphonia,KOTOR II,Golden Sun 1+2,pokemon blue etc

I totally agree.

I thought FFVII was pretty poor when it came out; mainly because you spent more time watching videos than actually playing the game. It was also a bit too easy to get stuck on it.

Prepare for Heresy:

Worse still is what FF7 and Metal Gear Solid did to video games in general. Many videogames, in my mind, are no longer games, but rather "interactive movies." it's a simple, linear trip from A-B, then watch a long video, then B-C.

Of course, I realize that the same could be said of classic NES games like Kid Icarus. To that, I say: Can't a game evolve past an early NES formula?

RPGs should have choices. Even if it's something as simple as what equipment to use. FF7 lacked that in spades. find new weapon? well, it's better than your old one. Hooray!

Have some androgenous s/hemale with a wire-thin sword? Hooray, somehow you've created a "classic villian!"

The reason games like Ninja Gaiden did so well is that it returned us to our roots, despite following the A-B, B-C forumla, you acutally had to play with some skill to get from A to B, and it didn't resort to "oh, there was an instant death hidden pit on that tile. Continue, then avoid it. wow, isn't this a GAME!"

No, it's not.

The only thing that frustrates me more is when there are commericals on TV for videogames, and all they show are the FMVs. If they do that, and I don't have the game yet, I don't buy it.

I'm full of spite, among other things.
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 22:17
I am interested in what squareenix are doing these days.
They seem very friendly to the DS but their track record was always to support the most popular format and currently the most popular looks to be DS.
Final Fantasy 3 looks quite interesting. I'm hoping it is a more fluid 3d game than a clunky 2d into 3d conversion.
FF7 would be easy to port on DS. It woud take a bigger cart but I don't see that as a problem
But would it be the RIGHT game for the System?

Personally I'd like to see a remake or hell, even a conversion, of chrono trigger. A game I never owned (roms doesn't count, right)
That game was GENIUS.
Also the enix rpgs would be nice to reappear.
If you want a 3d update of something, then what better than Terranigma?
Joined 11 Nov 2005
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 22:47
I think a "HIT RPG SET" would be good, if it fit, like chronnotrigger, earthbound, ffvii, and all other great selling RPG's that are willing to be put on a DS cartidge(s) would be ultimate. Although the idea of ffvii is no bad idea, I'm sure it'll be a blow to sony fans which is good enough for me.
Joined 15 Nov 2005
Tue, 15 Nov 2005 00:27
Wow, just when you guys start to get a little bit of respect back for a couple stories, you pull this s**t.

This is fake. There is no rumor. There never was a rumor. You made it up.

I wonder how many people will blindly believe this?

If there is a remake, it will be on PS3. That tech demo wasn't made for nothing. That's where the fans want it. That is where it will be. Use your heads instead of trying to spread such trash.

***n00b weblink removed*** />
Nice one guys.
Joined 27 Jun 2005
Tue, 15 Nov 2005 09:45
marmaduke wrote:
majin dboy wrote:
i really dont c the big deal about this game. i bought it of amazon about 9 months was good not great(...)

You've got to remember that this game is ten years old. At the time, it was one of the greatest spectacles ever put onto disc.

Speaking personally, FF7 was the first Japanese RPG I played, and the first RPG at all in any depth; I think that goes for a lot of people... anyway a lot that was stereotypical of the genre was new to me. I expect that goes for a lot of UK-based gamers at least. Majin, you'd obviously played a ton of other RPGs before reaching FF7, so you would maybe have found things less impressive/innovative.

All that said, having since filled gaps in my gaming education (yay emulation!) I still thing FF7 had some amazing, innovative stuff in it. The chase up the ShinRa tower, talking to dozens of NPCs along the way, meet the President, thrown into the cell for the night... you wake up and the cell door is open, a trail of blood leads through the tower, and *every* NPC is dead... Sephiroth may be a par-for-the-course andro villain, designwise, but no baddie ever had a more effective introduction.

Or the bit right near the end, where after dozens of hours of great-but-simple MIDIesque music, the final fight with Sephiroth begins... and then the choir kicks in.

Or the bit where Cloud is swimming with dolphins, and Barret offers to hold the menu system for him, so it doesn't get wet. Genius :)

FFVIII has stood the test of time much better, in my mind.

I thought FF8 was very brave, making love the central theme of a game, but I didn't enjoy playing it at all. By then the conventions of the genre (random battles, lengthly cutscenes etc.) weren't new to me and I found them pretty annoying. Frankly it was like Dawson's Creek with wandering monsters...

Anyway, FF7 - I'm not sure I'd want to play it again from the start, much as I loved it. I'd like to see FF7 DS on the shelves, you know, kind of nod approvingly when I saw it, and then buy something else :D
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 15 Nov 2005 19:39
Time for a little education in games, Twoaday.

Prepare for Heresy:

Worse still is what FF7 and Metal Gear Solid did to video games in general. Many videogames, in my mind, are no longer games, but rather "interactive movies." it's a simple, linear trip from A-B, then watch a long video, then B-C.

//////////////Answer 1

What happened in those games might have something to do with their roots in japanese manga. Metal Gear uses hollywood influences (the James Bondesque insertion opening movie for instance) to its advantage and laces it in manga storytelling. FFVII is no different in this respect, from the manga character designs to the Akira style biker chase section and the eco- friendly message behind the game.


RPGs should have choices. Even if it's something as simple as what equipment to use. FF7 lacked that in spades. find new weapon? well, it's better than your old one. Hooray!

////////////Answer 2

Choices? You mean like having a whole arcade of minigames at your disposal that you can choose from. Sometimes even too much choice can be a bad thing.


Have some androgenous s/hemale with a wire-thin sword? Hooray, somehow you've created a "classic villian!"

////////////Answer 3

The androgenous style you speak of, and of Sephiroth's design is known as bishonen in japanese manga, anime and game circles and is basicly a male with very female looking features, slim limbs, usually long hair. This is common place in japan so don't forget FFVII wasn't made for us, but the japanese. Like it or not that's up to you.

Sephiroth is a great and classic villian in more ways than one. His bishonen looks endear him to many female fans (especially those that like cosplay, basicly dressing up as heir fave characters) while his cold and evil acts cool but strong swordplay endear him to male fans. He's a mean, bastard in black and like many other FFVII characters his placed is earned. One of Tetsuya Nomura's better character designs too.

A lot of japanese games have bishonen characters sometimes. If you want a good example of a bishonen designed hero, look no further than Alucard from Konami's Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and the more recent two GBA titles.

Lastly on the FFVII front, it was the first PS game to feature such then cutting edge CG mixed into the game, and not just cut scenes on their own but cutscenes that mix with polygon characters and parts of the gameplay too. This kind thing had never been tried before or on a console on such a scale. It might seem like nothing now but FFVII had a massive impact on how we view rpgs altogther, and without it we surely would not have seen many other rpgs, perhaps not even Namco's GC Tales of Symphonia (sorry but FFVII is better IMO, regardless of age).

The most recent game I played to mix cut scenes with in game graphics was RE4, though many games do this now. Getting chased by mecha Salazar will never be the same again.


The reason games like Ninja Gaiden did so well is that it returned us to our roots, despite following the A-B, B-C forumla, you acutally had to play with some skill to get from A to B, and it didn't resort to "oh, there was an instant death hidden pit on that tile. Continue, then avoid it. wow, isn't this a GAME!"

No, it's not.

////////////Answer 5

Not everyone completed FFVII and I'm one of those people who never got to see the ending due to lack of skill and strength of my characters. Got as far as the crater and descent into it.


The only thing that frustrates me more is when there are commericals on TV for videogames, and all they show are the FMVs. If they do that, and I don't have the game yet, I don't buy it.

///////////Answer 6

As opposed to the game commercials that show no game footage at all, leaving you wondering what the ad is about in the first place. They are worse in my opinion.

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 15 Nov 2005 21:30
Good lord, is this the return of the previously banned Zeo?

I see white of fanboy fangs shining at us.

Don't be stupid, if Spong have spoken to Square already is that not good enough for you? If the fact FFVII is going to be on DS is upsetting you that much, you need to just get a life or get a DS and the game, and support Square Enix and the series like any good fan would. It's up to you mind.

So what? The PS3 had a tech demo for FF. With Dirge of Ceberus and FFXII on the way to PS2, it's more than likely just a demo and nothing more. If it's more than a demo time will tell.

All in all it's nice to see FF return to it's Nintendo roots, that made the FF series etc and Square Enix so great today.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 16 Nov 2005 13:39
Joji wrote:
It might seem like nothing now but FFVII had a massive impact on how we view rpgs altogther, and without it we surely would not have seen many other rpgs, perhaps not even Namco's GC Tales of Symphonia (sorry but FFVII is better IMO, regardless of age).

No way!

Tales only has about 2 or 3 CG videos in the whole game (and one of those is the optional title intro).

I don't think FFVII had any impact at all, because the FF series had already established its own genre previously. FFVII added little to it.

I don't think that Spong have actually had this confirmed by Square. Indeed, I'd be surprised to see this on DS. I would expect it on PSP, and that would be the better decision for Square - Playstation fans = yen.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Wed, 16 Nov 2005 14:05
I'm not going to even get to play TOS :((((

Virgin Megastore cancelled it because:

"Thank you for your e-mail.

Sorry for the confusion regarding your cancelled order. The reason it has been cancelled is because the manufacturer has deleted the product, therefore our suppliers cannot fulfil your order. You can still find the product on the high-street, stock allowing, however it is not available for order anymore. "

Deleted it? I call bollox... how can they )-;
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 16 Nov 2005 22:46
kid_77 wrote:
I'm not going to even get to play TOS :((((

Virgin Megastore cancelled it because:

"Thank you for your e-mail.

Sorry for the confusion regarding your cancelled order. The reason it has been cancelled is because the manufacturer has deleted the product, therefore our suppliers cannot fulfil your order. You can still find the product on the high-street, stock allowing, however it is not available for order anymore. "

Deleted it? I call bollox... how can they )-;

I don't think it is deleted...

If you have a Freeloader, grab a copy at

I bought it ages ago at full-price from VGP (a month before the UK release) and haven't regretted it.

If you want to go UK, even at £30 it's a fantastic deal.
Sun, 14 Oct 2007 05:25
Hubert Humphrey
Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:03
It would be so awesome if they re-did it. FFVII is my all time favorite game ever. It would be very hard though.
Kyo Shoma
Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:10
it would be awsome if they got it out on other systems
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:56
You know what would be never having to see another screen name having to do with any characters from FFVII, especially Cloud or Sephiroth.

So I hope this doesn't happen...I'm a selfish bastard like that.
Sun, 16 Dec 2007 03:38
I would love that myself. I could finally play that game, I was too young when it can out, about 5, I think. My brother bought it, and it was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. The only thing was that I couldn't read so...

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