Hideki Kamiya Blasts Bayonetta Manga Porn

It was only a matter of time, after all.

Posted by Staff
Hideki Kamiya Blasts Bayonetta Manga Porn
You know the rule. The Internet rule #34. "If it exists, there is porn of it." So it should come as no shock to anyone that Bayonetta, the voluptuous gun-toting witch that is simply oozing sexual innuendo, has been the target for Japanese pornographic doujinshi (self-published manga). In fact, we're surprised it took this long.

One person who is reasonably shocked, however, is Platinum Games designer and Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya. In fact, he's really quite angry at the existence of sexy witch cartoon porn. On Twitter, he vented his disgust;

"It seems there's pornorgraphic doujinshi based off Bayonetta... There are fans who will resent that, and I hardly think those responsible [for the doujinshi] hold any love for the game..."

So stop it you guys. Leave Bayonetta alone! She's just a video game character, and she's very vulnerable right now! You guys just don't respect her! Etc etc Chris Crocker.

Via GameGrep


Daz 13 May 2010 12:48
There are fans who will resent that, and I hardly think those responsible hold any love for the game..."

riiiiight, because people go around drawing porn of things they hate, what f**king planet is that guy from?
Slayer 14 May 2010 00:06
Oh, come on, with all the moves bayonetta pulls off and the amount of kinky dresses she has...bullshit anyone will resent that. The game is full of cock tease from begining through to end, I love kamiya, but what in the hell does he expect? Like Daz said, Doujihnshi aren't artists who have drawings of a 3 year old, they're usually a group like an aactual manga artist who spend a lot of time drawing it all, inking, texturing it and editing a sub-par story. Which normally takes a month or more, unless they were making guro, I'm pretty sure if anyone spends that long then they probably love the game and characters more than most people who got it.

To be honest, they should have realised this during production research when they were thinking of their consumers. I don't mind the fact he doesn't like it, though he should have realised something would have been born from it. I mean, look at Samus Aran...she barley leaves her suit compared to bayonetta.
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DoctorDee 14 May 2010 05:45
of course he likes it, he just feels obliged to say he doesn't. For the investors etc.

But it's an 18 game, manga porn is quite well accepted in Japan, and the game was laden with sexual innuendo and pervy poses anyway.
Daz 16 May 2010 22:28

I wish it was 18 maybe then she'd actually get her tits (among other things) out properly, hehe
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