Ubisoft Publishes Original Assassin's Creed Concept Artwork

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Check out these gorgeous concept art pieces that pre-date the development of the original Assassin's Creed back in 2007. Ubisoft has released these pictures, painted by Khai Nguyen, to illustrate the evolution of the series from Prince of Persia spinoff to a contemporary franchise of its very own.

Yep, according to a report on CVG, the series was once a spinoff to Sands of Time, with the Assassins pictured as the bodyguards of the prince. Now, of course, it has something of a background and history of its own design. As you can see from the images, a female Assassin was also considered, as well as a co-op multiplayer mode.

You can see the rest of the gallery here, or at CVG.


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