Vincent Zampella

Got info on Vincent Zampella?

Vincent Zampella has worked in the Games industry for over ten years, he currently holds the post of Chief Creative Officer in the formation of a new development studio called Respawn Entertainment. This is a subsidiary partnership with Electronic Arts as Zampella Leaves behind the Infinity Ward and Activision pairing that he has worked under since 2002. Since co-founding Infinity Ward with Jason West and Grant Collier, Zampella held the post of Executive Producer for the Call of Duty series which has gone on to become one of the most successful titles in gaming history.

Previously Zampella has worked on Titles such as Medal of Honor, Allied Assault, IOsix, Vigilance, Skies, Baldies and NBA Jam. Zampella has worked at; Gametek, Atari, Panasonic/Ripcord, SEGA and 2015.

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Unspecified Mar 10 - ...
Executive Producer 02 - 10
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