Shattered Union - Xbox

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Also for: PC, PS2
Viewed: 2D Isometric, Scrolling Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: PopTop Soft. Co.: PopTop
Publishers: 2K Games (US/GB)
Released: 21 Oct 2005 (GB)
2005 (US)
Ratings: PEGI 12+, ESRB Teen 13+ (T)
Accessories: Communicator Headset
Connectivity: Xbox System Link Cable


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Hooray! Hooray for old school hexagonal tiled, turn based strategy games! The laid back and truly tactical style of these games is rarely seen in these days of flashy, reaction-requiring RTS games. If you’re a bit lazy like us and you like time to think then you’ll welcome the arrival of Shattered Union, developed by PopTop Software and published by 2K games.

Shattered Union is also blessed with a great storyline, painting a bleak future picture of the often less than United States of America. The story goes that after a tied election, congress elects an unpopular President. Widespread chaos breaks out in the outcry against him and the trigger happy loon imposes a state of martial law, as terrorism and rioting spiral out of control. Come the end of his term and with the country in no state to turn out for an election, the president accepts a second term in office, and in answer Washington is hit by a nuclear strike. With the government destroyed, the whole of America goes crazy, and states – first California, then Texas – begin to declare themselves independent. The UN despatch a peacekeeping force to the region, and the stage is set for a big showdown as each faction tries to re-unite the country in their own image.

There are seven different factions to choose from including the UN forces. Take your time, make your moves, and when you are ready end your turn. Watch in glee as your instructions are now carried out in real time! A large and detailed map of the USA makes this a most intriguing possible future to explore. And fully destructible terrain means that you’ll change the face of the nation forever as you fight to secure assets and territories. There aren’t enough turn-based games these days, and with neat graphics and a tight storyline, Shattered Union is an exciting release.