Miyamoto draws out strangest New York Nintendo fans – Full picture exposé

> Editorial Comments > SPOnG Comments Index

Topic started: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 15:25
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Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 28 Sep 2005 22:06
tyrion wrote:

Oh, a classy do! Well then, what colour was the head salesperson's wig?

Where are my hot wings?

uh... the manager was a blonde lady... she can be seen standing behing the regilution as he signs ont eh schwag case...

and your hot wings are over here in merca... they come from atomic wings in manhattan, a small chain of 2 (or 3) that makes the best most authenticaly buffalo like wings outside of buffalo... or so says my buffalovian friend Mike M (aka the masked avenger i belive). you can have em next time you venture to the land of right side of the road driving as i dotn think tehy woudl survive the shipping... no one likes a soggy box... no sexual bun intended.

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